
Monday games, online games and Wednesday Lunch & Bridge are year-round. Other activities are seasonal

  • Monday: 12:45 pm stratified open (open/500/100) game @ Antrim Seniors Incorporated (ASI).
  • Wednesday: 12:30 stratified 199er (199/50) game @ Alden Library (May-October).
  • Third Wednesday of every month: No 199er game, but a stratified open game at various locations (serving a fixed-price lunch with cocktails available). This is Lunch & Bridge with lunch about 11:30 followed by a stratified open game about 12:30. ALL of these games offer enhanced master points
  • Thursday: 7:00 pm ONLINE stratified open game on the BBO platform

The Wednesday 199er game starts with a free intermediate lesson at 11:30 and lunch together (bring your own!) at noon, followed by a 15-20 board game. For more information, contact Lou Slyker (248) 770-6152 or "".

LESSONS: Judy King offers free beginner bridge lessons at the Alden Library beginning in May. Contact Judy King at (231) 590-7293 or "". Judy Kuiper will offer beginner lessons over the Winter if there is demand. Contact Judy Kuiper at (231) 544-1277 or "".


ROUND-ROBIN TEAMS ON JANUARY 13! Sign up with Judy King

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